
  • Weber Color Dewdrop

    Weber Color Dewdrop

    Brand: Webber Model:10062379 Availability: In Stock

    weber.color dewdrop is a higher polymer modified cementitious water repellant tile grout used for internal and external application.

  • WeberSet Ultra

    WeberSet Ultra

    Brand: Webber Model:10062378 Availability: In Stock

    weberset ultra is a two-component, high performance, polymer-modified adhesive for impregnated, artificial & natural stones, & large format tiles on a variety of substrates, where nominal to moderate substrate movement is expected. It is suitable for both vertical as well as horizontal application and specially designed for cladding in indoor as well as outdoor. It is supplied as ready-to-mix at the site.

  • WeberSet plus white 20KG

    WeberSet plus white 20KG

    Brand: Webber Model:10062377 Availability: In Stock

    weberset plus-white is a ready to mix, highly polymer modified cementitious adhesive for vitrified, ceramic tile and natural stones of regular size on wall and floor with regular traffic. This product is suitable for fixing granite and other natural stones in window jambs and door frames due to its ability to withstand mechanical operations .White colour adhesive adds to aesthetic look, especially for light colour stones.

  • WeberSet Firm Grey 20 Kg

    WeberSet Firm Grey 20 Kg

    Brand: Webber Model:10062376 Availability: In Stock

    weberset firm is a highly polymer modified, high-performance thin-set adhesive, for tiles, mosaics and stones, on a variety of surfaces, for both vertical and horizontal application, in indoor as well as outdoor use. It is supplied as a dry mix mortar, to which water needs to be added before application.

  • Weber set Classic 20 Kg

    Weber set Classic 20 Kg

    Brand: Webber Model:10062375 Availability: In Stock

    weberset classic is a high polymer modified thin-set tile adhesive, specially formulated for fixing low porosity vitrified tiles on the floor in internal areas. The adhesive can be used for fixing ceramic tiles on wall and floor and is suitable for dry as well as wet areas for internal application. This is also suitable for tile-on-tile application for fixing vitrified tiles on pre-existing ceramic tile floors.

  • Weberset premier 20KG

    Weberset premier 20KG

    Brand: Webber Model:10062374 Availability: In Stock

    weberset premier is a polymer modified, thin-set tile adhesive for ceramic tiles, in internal areas. It is suitable for both vertical (wall) and horizontal (floor) application, over the cementitious substrate. It is supplied as a dry-mix mortar, to which water needs to be added before application.

  • Epoxy grout and adhesive 5 Kg

    Epoxy grout and adhesive 5 Kg

    Brand: Webber Model:10062343 Availability: In Stock

    weberepox easy is a two-component, easy to use, epoxy-based tile adhesive and grout. It is suitable for all types of tiles and stones on the floor and wall. It is especially recommended for hygiene sensitive areas and also areas which require sterile conditions.

  • Epoxy grout and adhesive 1 Kg

    Epoxy grout and adhesive 1 Kg

    Brand: Webber Model:10062342 Availability: In Stock

    weberepox easy is a two-component, easy to use, epoxy-based tile adhesive and grout. It is suitable for all types of tiles and stones on the floor and wall. It is especially recommended for hygiene sensitive areas and also areas which require sterile conditions.

  • Weber  Joint Filler 1 Kg

    Weber Joint Filler 1 Kg

    Brand: Webber Model:10062341 Availability: In Stock

    A polymer cementitious tile grout used internal and external application. it is suitable for grouting ceramic tiles, vitrified tiles, marbles, granites, mosaics and natural stone in the wall and floor.

  • Weber Premier-Tile Adhesive

    Weber Premier-Tile Adhesive

    Brand: Webber Model:10062340 Availability: In Stock

    Weber Premier is a polymer modified cementitious tile adhesive for fixing ceramic tiles of regular size on the wall and floor and porous natural stone on the floor. For Internal floor and wall areas, for fixing tiles.

  • Weber Classic-Tile Adhesive

    Weber Classic-Tile Adhesive

    Brand: Webber Model:10062339 Availability: In Stock

    Weber Classic is a polymer modified cementitious tile adhesive used for fixing vitrified tiles on the floor, ceramic tiles on wall and floor of regular size, over old tiles and other flooring materials. For Internal floor and wall areas, superior bond strength for fixing tiles.



    Brand: Kajaria Model:1006137 Availability: In Stock

    it consist of a carefully prepared blend of cement, chemical aditives and fillers. It is easy to install - just mix with water and use. It is ideal for both floors and walls applications

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